A busy outfit is eye catching, memorable and sometimes can be inspiring.
Being in France, i am limited with what i can wear, this is because of two reasons.
1: I've left most of my 'out there' or different clothes back home in England. The 22kg allowance really wasn't helpful, especially when you need to pack for an entire year abroad. So this limits my blog and style a little bit until i can get home and do more outfits and looks.
2: The second reason is that the French don't really approve of my look. At all.
When people talk about France I think of chic business men off to work in a full matching suit and women walking their tiny dogs in Chanel coats with the latest designer craze handbag hanging off their arm.
It really isn't like this at all. Tracksuits and Sportswear seem to be the only thing people ever wear, men, women and children passing me in the street in their Adidas tracksuits and Nike trainers. Diesel is about as fashionable as these people get. I'm not wanting to tarnish everyone with the same brush, there are some people who dress very chic and 'french' but it's often the wife of a rich business man sat in a restaurant watching the world go by, or a tourist.
This hasn't stopped me being myself, but i have realised that i've 'watered down' my look a little bit. However, it'd take more than a year aborad to get me to conform to the unmatched sportswear.
So this outfit is a pretty good representation of my style.
I love a busy look and mixing textures and layers.
To break up the grey colours i added badges and pins, this adds more colour to an outfit, aswell as putting your own personal stamp on the look. Instead of placing my pins all in one place, i decided to spread them around my clothes, Vest, Headband and Shorts to tie the outfit together.
Headband: Grey Wool
T-shirt: You Think You Own The World, Vivienne Westwood
Denim Vest: Pale Denim, Topshop
Shorts: Customised
Belt: Black and Gold Print, Vivienne Westwood
Badges: Prince Charming Set, Vivienne Westwood
Pins: 'Let It Rock' Heart and Skull Orb, Vivienne Westwood